Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Playset - Some assembly required...

A couple of weeks ago we decided to buy a playset for the boys. We searched around and decided on one from Toys R Us that was marked down to an unbelievable price. Scott started putting it together today and we'll be lucky if it's finished in a week (that's his lofty goal) - I'm giving it 2 weeks, possibly longer. To those of you who are thinking about such a purchase - it's worth paying for someone else to assemble!!! Check the blog to track our progress :)

Unloading the boxes with all the unmarked wood pieces and dozens of bags with nuts, bolts, screws, etc. Our minds start to spin...

Scott starts the assembly process... all is well - sort of...
Pure frustration - it's now the playset from hell and we are beginning to wonder what we have gotten ourselves into. We have a long way to go folks...stay tuned.

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