
Amazing - we actually sold our house in this bad housing market and moved into a new one. It's been 2 weeks since the move and things are starting to fall into place... slowly. I hope we don't move anytime soon, b/c at 36 weeks pregnant, the stress just about sent me to the breaking point. The extra space is great, but there are still many boxes to go through, most of which will probably sit around for another year or so. HA!
Status on baby Marcille #2 = on track - due November 12. One of the doctors last week said they could induce at 39 weeks w/o a medical reason and I'm going to try my best to hold them to that if the baby doesn't come before then. I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable and extremely tired, especially as I try to keep up with Jay (which I can't - he's way too fast and energetic).
Last weekend we made a family trip to Cagle Farm. Jay had a great time on his first pony ride, jumping on the air haystack, and looking around at all the cows and pumpkins. Enjoy the pics and hopefully we'll have some new ones of baby Marcille #2 sooner rather than later!