Easter Sunday was a gorgeous sun-filled day here in Atlanta, we had a lovely relaxing day that included church, time at the toddler park with Jay, and the Masters final round. Over the past few weeks, Jay went to 4 Easter egg hunts! He especially liked the eggs he found at school with little match-box cars in them (courtesy of Mom...). He kept telling me "cars in eggs, cars in eggs" and later when he found eggs that didn't have anything he would look at me and say "egg empty" with the funniest little look on his face as if he was thinking - where is the car??? Andrew continues to eat, sleep, and grow like a little dream baby. He's started solids as of this week, so far sweet potatoes are his favorite. Enjoy the pics from Easter Sunday, time at home, and the Roswell Easter egg hunt complete with fire truck. love to all, Martha