We traveled to Denver for Thanksgiving this year. The flights out there and back to Atlanta were relatively uneventful. I guess after flying with little ones a few times it gets just a little bit easier. The weather was beautiful during our entire stay in Denver and the boys had a BLAST playing with their cousins, Mitchell
and Cameron. Mimi was gracious to watch our boys while Scott, Jim, and I went to Boulder to see CU vs. Nebraska; let's just all hope the Buffalos pull out of their slump in 2010/2011. Needless to say, it was a beautiful day in Boulder. We also enjoyed an adults night out on the town to celebrate Jim and Donna's 40th anniversary. Coincindentally, Pat and Lew Gravely will also celebrate their 40th anniversary this month! Isn't that crazy!!!! We are so lucky to have parents who have been fortunate to be married this long! On our last day we took Jay and Andrew to the Children's Museum. They had a great time. We started out our tour with the stationary fire truck on the 1st floor. Jay was completely OVERWHELMED and loved climbing and playing all over it. It's a great place to go with kids in Denver.

Happy 40th Jim and Donna - what a yummy, fun dinner!!!! (from L to R: Jim, Donna, Scott, Martha, Kelly and Mike Festi)

Family pic in front of the children's musuem.

Jim, Donna, and Scott with Andrew and Jay - this was towards the end of our visit, Jay was beginning to break down a bit - but he sure was tired and slept on our plane ride back! :)

Future grocery boys of america...

Donna (Scott's Mom), Scott and Andrew - doesn't Donna look great!

Andrew loved the basketball court.