We had so much fun this Christmas and New Years! Here's a recap of our activities:
December 24: We attended a church service at Roswell Presbyterian Church for young families. Jay sat with us in the pews for the first time. He was quite good and kept asking, "Where is baby Jesus?" Later, a REAL baby Jesus appeared on stage - Jay was mesmerized. Also, at this service, about 5 children were baptized, including Jay's pre-school friend Graham, so it was extra special for him to see his friend in front of the congregation "getting wet." Afterwards, we headed over to Graham's house and celebrated Christmas Eve with our new friends Amy and Chris Jones and family.

Me (Martha Marcille) and Amy Jones - cocktail time! Merry Christmas 2009!
December 25: We were lucky to spend Christmas in our home again this year - I always dreamed of spending Christmas in my own house with my own family, it's just so wonderful to be actually living it! Christmas morning was spent unwrapping Santa and Marcille family gifts. Jay was very excited about all the presents, Andrew was a bit overwhelmed, but happy to play with all the toys. It was a wonderfully relaxing and fun day for all! (see previous post for Christmas morning photos)
December 26: Karl and Miriam Nelson, their 1 year old son Roan, and 2 dogs stopped by for a night on their way home to Asheville, NC. That night we had a pizza party with the Mittruckers, Nelsons, and John Carzoli. Scott had fun hanging out with his old high school buddies and NC State buddy, the boys loved having new little friends over, and Maggie enjoyed playing with the Nelson dogs.

Roan Nelson and Andrew Marcille - playing with Jay's garage toy... that didn't go over well...
December 27: Lesley and Matt Johnson and their son 1 year old son, Everette, were visiting the Atlanta area and come over for dinner. Jay passed out early on the couch that night, so Everette and Andrew had free run of the house. They were so cute and good playing with each other and it was nice to catch up with Matt and Lesley.

Andrew Marcille and Everette Johnson - playing in the oven drawer was endless entertainment!
December 31-January 3: The Gravelys: PatsyMom, PapaDoc, my brother Will and his girlfriend Whitney came to visit. On New Year's Eve, we enjoyed an early steak dinner and then later welcomed Will and Whitney to the house. The boys opened more presents from the Gravely family - they were in heaven! The rest of the visit was spent watching endless football. We did get out for an afternoon movie one day; we saw Invictus, a good flick about Nelson Mandela. Pregnant sister Mary and husband Nick were unable to make the trip - we missed you!!!! We hope you have a safe and healthy delivery sometime at the end of January, first of February!
Best wishes to all in 2010!!!!