Tonight Jay and Scott are out camping! The Roswell Rec Center sponsored a family campout at a local city park, so I signed us up. About 10 families participated and all the campsites were located near a playground and little creek and best of all, the camping fee included hot dogs, chips, and s'mores and breakfast in the morning. Jay's best bud, Graham, his sister, Meredith, and their dad, Chris were in on the fun too. Andrew and I went out with Jay and Scott to scout things out, hang out at the playground and cookout by the campfire before bidding them farewell. Jay was so excited about this little outing and so was I since I have never been camping myself! Scott did a great job setting up our new tent and Jay loves his Lightning McQueen sleeping bag. The boys will be back after breakfast in the morning. Here are some pics of our camping adventure!

ah... pure joy! gotta love Andrew!

the Marcille campsite...

Scott setting up the tent....


Chris helps Scott out a bit...

Ta da! Jay in front of his new home for the night (far right), Graham's tent is to the left.

The tent is actually quite impressive, especially since it was the cheapest one from Target ($30!).

All the families around the big fire pit roasting hot dogs; Andrew loved them, Jay refused to eat one, but LOVED the potato chips provided. :)

Graham, Jay, Scott, and Amy roasting marshmellows.

Jay concentrating on his cooking...

Jay was very excited and serious about roasting the marshmellows, but again, refused to eat the s'mores. His buddy Graham though dug in and loved the s'mores, he even fed one to Andrew!

Graham digging into the s'more - yum!

Graham and Meredith loving the s'mores!