WOW! What a whirlwind Easter holiday! Jay and Andrew attended 3 egg hunts and were spoiled by the Marcille family visiting from Denver and Cleveland, OH. The boys loved waking up for a week with instant playmates around the house. Easter Sunday was beautiful here in Atlanta and we hosted a brunch on the back porch after church. All in all it was a fun holiday and we feel truly blessed to have spent it surrounded by family and friends. Enjoy the pics!

The Marcilles Easter Sunday

Scott, his parents, Jay, Andrew, and John Grasso

Then men: Pops Marcille, Scott, Jay, Andrew, John Grasso

Easter brunch at our house with the Marcilles' and Jones'

Andrew looking o so angelic!

Family pic Easter Sunday

Here's what the Easter bunny left for Andrew and Jay...

Family pic before our dinner outing w/o the kids Friday 4/2

Baby John Grasso - Traci Marcille Grasso's son

Andrew got a new soft chair for Easter from the Gravely grandparents - Jay and Andrew then played "couch potato" for a while after opening the present.

Jay running around at his school playground collecting eggs.

Jay showing off his egg hunt collection! Great job!

Andrew collecting eggs at the Roswell egg hunt Sat. 3/27. It was chilly and cold, but sunny that day. Jay chose not to participate, I think he was overwhelmed with the crowds. poor guy!

The boys ready for the Roswell egg hunt to begin. 3/27