We welcome with great joy Elizabeth Grace, born September 24, 2010 at 11:31am. She is 9lbs., 21 inches. We will be calling her Ellie most likely, although we may call her Ellie Grace - we'll see. But she is a big, big girl! She is bigger than what her brothers were at birth, which may not be a bad thing since she'll have to keep up with them quickly. We are all doing great and Scott and I are still in shock we have a baby girl - in fact, I didn't believe him when he called the sex out in the delivery room! Here are pics right after the delivery. Thanks to all who have sent us emails, text messages, and have left phone messages already - we are so happy to share this joyous occasion with all of you! Much love to all!

Our baby Ellie!

Still groggy from the birth.

Dr. Wolfson, who delivered her, our nursery nurse, and Ellie.

Proud Papa with his little girl!

A very happy momma with baby Ellie!