Happy New Year to all! Best wishes to you for a blessed 2011. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday, we certainly did! You can only imagine the anticipation and excitement around our house in December as the countdown to Christmas came, and then went. We were fortunate to spend our first Christmas as a family of five in our own home. The boys participated in several activities at preschool, church, and home, and of course, our visit with Santa! The Elf on the Shelf appeared again on Dec. 1 and Jay and Andrew rushed downstairs each morning to find him in his new spying spot for the day. Best of all, it snowed in Atlanta on Christmas, in all we had about 3 inches on the ground - the first white Christmas here since the 1800's! The boys loved our wintery weather and Jay and I got out to build a very small snow-elf. On New Year's Eve, Scott and I headed out on our own and had dinner with friends before heading to a party. A perfect adult end to our holiday celebration. Again, best wishes to you for a prosperous, healthy, and happy 2011! love, Martha

Ahhh... Christmas Eve cocktails for Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

Jay and Andrew at their new play table. Thanks PM and PD!

Our family portrait after church on Christmas Eve. We headed to Peachtree Presbyterian for a preschool service at 11am. The boys loved hearing the Christmas story in the sanctuary - Andrew is still walking around announcing, "Jesus is born!" After the 11am preschool service, we checked our children into the nursery and Scott and I went to a lovely communion service at noon.

Scott, Jay, and Andrew walking in the tunnel after church.

Frick and frack...eating cookies. yum!

Jay and I baking chocolate chip cookies for his preschool cookie social.

Holiday crafts! Jay and Andrew painted and decorated the frames at home one day and Scott decorated the gingerbread house with them. Jay insisted on putting the Christmas tree on the roof, as there are several Christmas trees on roofs around Atlanta: Northside Hospital at Perimeter and Alpharetta, and Macy's.

Jay rolling out the dough for our cut-out Christmas Cookies.

Jay and Andrew mailed their Santa letters at Macy's.

Before the mayhem - our presents looked all nice and neat like this for all of 12 hours.

Jay and Andrew set cookies out for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.

Santa was hungry, and so were the reindeer, and look - Santa left his hat. o no!

Twas the night before Christmas...

Christmas morning! Cheese!

The big reveal...

Jay trying on Santa's hat.

Scott and Andrew belting out some tunes.

Santa came thru with Jay's request for the super cheap remote control fire truck set from Target. (he wouldn't stop talking about it!)

More presents...

Andrew playing with his new toy from Mimi and Pops.

Ellie and her new sleep sack, which is getting alot of use with all our cold weather. Thanks Aunt Kelly!

The mayhem...
Cute dress up outfits from Aunt Mary.

What a mess!!!

This is the big present Santa brought for the boys to share - a power wheel! They love it. Thanks Santa!

Our house Christmas night... our little winter wonderland.
Jay and I even got out and built a snow elf. Stay warm!!!