So, it just occurred to me last night that I did not have posts up for our early summer activities. Over Memorial Day weekend, I drove down to Jacksonville, FL for Baby Bill's baptism and Scott and Jay flew to Denver for their first ever father/son trip. I'll have to poach some pics from Scott's iPhone later of their CO trip - but below you'll see some pics of Baby Bill at the church, and later of Andrew and I out at Jax Beach.
In mid-June, I drove the boys to my home state, WV, for some quality time with PatsyMom and PapaDoc. After spending a few days there, I got a chance to get away by MYSELF to visit my college friend, Emily, in Columbus, OH and then later I met up with Scott for a family wedding in Indiana. It was fun seeing the whole Marcille/Kentzel clan back in action. Scott and I then headed back to the WV homestead where we reunited with our boys and eventually back home to Atlanta. It was a whirlwind driving tour, but alot of fun and we got a chance to catch up with much of our families. And a HUGE thanks goes out to PatsyMom and PapaDoc for watching the boys for 3 nights while we got away!!!!!! We love you.
Dad took Scott and I out to the New River Gorge Bridge in WV.

Scott's parents at Brett and Nicci's wedding in Columbus, IN.

Brett and Nicci Fisher.

Jay having fun making cards with my ancient card making kit.

The weather was spectacular in WV - a cool 75!

PapaDoc playing the organ with the boys - they loved it and even added a few notes of their own. (not so lovely for adult ears though....)

Andrew out at Jax Beach - he loved the sand and waves!

Enjoying Bill's baptism cake! Yummy!

Mary and Bill Morcom - Baptism Sunday - May 30, 2010.

Lew Gravely, Nick Morcom holding Bill Morcom, Mary Gravely Morcom, and Pat Gravely

Just a cute pic :) of our little A!