October has been a busy month full of helpful family visitors, fall fun, and Halloween festivities! First, my sister, Mary, came to visit with her son, Bill, for a whole week! We all made it out one afternoon to a pumpkin patch not far from our home. The boys loved riding the ponies and roaming around the pumpkins. Then, PatsyMom and PapaDoc came back to help out while Scott was away for an extended business trip. The boys were spoiled once again with trips to the Chattahoochee Nature Center and another pumpkin patch. This past week we entertained Jim and Donna Marcille - aka: Pops and Mimi. They were a big help with the boys, carving pumpkins, handing out candy, and allowing Scott and I to attend both the boys' preschool parties. Whew! We couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity to see so many family members in 1 month! Enjoy the pics! More of Ellie to come soon - we can't believe she is already 1 month+. Time flies...

October 2, 2010 - the Colorado Buffalos beat the Georgia Bulldogs in Boulder! It was a great football game, Colorado 29, Georgia 27 - go Buffs!

Mary G. and Bill Morcom

Billy boy!

Jay on his pony, Captain Crunch.

Andrew on his pony, Pepper, with Dad.

Jay weighing in less than most of the pumpkins on site! ha!

Scott, Jay, Andrew, Bill and Mary - don't let this pic fool you - it was hotter than it looks and very crowded - we didn't stay too long. Ellie and I went too - our first outing as a family of 5 + 1 aunt and 1 cousin.

PapaDoc with Baby Ellie

PapaDoc, PatsyMom, and the Marcille 5

Andrew picking out another pumpkin.

Jay showing off his strong muscles.
At home celebrating Scott's Birthday!
My little pirate Jay and scallywag Andrew before heading out to preschool.

Andrew having fun in Jay's preschool classroom.

Jay sitting at his preshool table eyeing the cutest witch cupcake that he wouldn't dare eat.

Our scary jack-o-lanterns!

Pops and Jay carving pumpkins!

Halloween Night -my little ghouls!

Andrew is ready to join the circus! This little clown costume once belonged to a little 2 year old Martha, hand made by PatsyMom. Jay wore it 2 years ago and I can't wait to see Ellie in it too!

Argghh Maty! Halloween night, we started out with a pre-party in the cul-de-sac and then Scott and Pops walked around with Jay and Andrew. When they made it back home, Jay's bucket was overflowing with candy and he declared, "Daddy, we won!" Jay may not like the candy, but he's a competitor. This is also a vintage costume, belonging once to my brother, Will. There are some modern enhancements, the hat, vest with parrot, and sash. The parrot is from the swing Ellie sits in - just pinned on! hee hee

Pops, Mimi, Ellie, Andrew, Scott, and Jay

Mimi, Ellie, and Scott
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